
The aura is very much a part of us, and can be seen by the naked eye for those who have the ability or develop the sensitivity. I know this because I can see it. The aura consists of various levels of consciousness. It is a representation of your innate traits and potential. It is composed of layers of energy and within the aura is recorded all our experiences, thoughts and feelings. The aura acts like a mirror that shows our current mental, emotional, physical or spiritual condition, and this is what I am tuning into and reading during an aura/chakra reading. We can even detect illness within the aura before it actually manifests into the physical body.

An aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds living beings, including humans, animals, and plants. While not scientifically proven, many spiritual and holistic traditions believe that auras reflect a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

Auras are often described as having different colours, each colour associated with different aspects of a person’s well-being or personality. For example, blue might indicate calmness and communication, while red might signify energy and passion. The interpretation of aura colours can vary among different belief systems and practitioners.

Some people claim to be able to see auras naturally, while others use techniques such as aura photography to perceive or capture them. Regardless of one’s beliefs, the concept of auras is deeply ingrained in various spiritual practices and New Age philosophies.

The protective layer around us  is called the aura.